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Implements a variable debt token to track the borrowing positions of users at variable rate mode for GHO.


It is important to note, although it is based on the VariableDebtToken implementation of the Aave Protocol, the interest rate mode is not variable as it is fixed by the Aave Governance.


A number of operations, such as transfer and approve, are disabled since it is a non-transferable token.

The GhoVariableDebtToken contract inherits the DebtTokenBase, ScaledBalanceTokenBase contracts, and the IGhoVariableDebtToken interface.

This page shows the public constant state variables, structs, external write methods, and the 'not supported methods' within the GhoVariableDebtToken contract. The source code is available on GitHub.

Constant State Variables


uint256 public constant DEBT_TOKEN_REVISION = 0x1

The revision number of the contract.



struct GhoUserState {
uint128 accumulatedDebtInterest;
uint16 discountPercent;
accumulatedDebtInterestuint128The accumulated debt interest of the user
discountPercentuint16The discount percent of the user (expressed in bps)

Write Methods


function initialize(
IPool initializingPool,
address underlyingAsset,
IAaveIncentivesController incentivesController,
uint8 debtTokenDecimals,
string memory debtTokenName,
string memory debtTokenSymbol,
bytes calldata params
) external override initializer

Initializes the debt token.

Emits the Initialized event.

Input Parameters:

initializingPoolIPoolThe pool contract that is initializing this contract
underlyingAssetaddressThe address of the underlying asset of this aToken
incentivesControllerIAaveIncentivesControllerThe smart contract managing potential incentives distribution
debtTokenDecimalsuint8The decimals of the debtToken, same as the underlying asset’s
debtTokenNamestringThe name of the token
debtTokenSymbolstringThe symbol of the token
paramsbytesA set of encoded parameters for additional initialization


function mint(
address user,
address onBehalfOf,
uint256 amount,
uint256 index
) external virtual override onlyPool returns (bool, uint256)
  • Mints the debt token to the onBehalfOf address. Implements the basic logic to mint a scaled balance token.
  • The user’s interest is accumulated here.
  • The discount percent of the user is applied to the accumulated interest.
  • DiscountPercent is rebalanced and “locked for the next period of time”

Input Parameters:

useraddressThe address performing the mint. The address receives the borrowed underlying, being the delegatee in case of credit delegation, or same as onBehalfOf otherwise
onBehalfOfaddressThe address of the user that will receive the scaled debt tokens tokens
amountuint256The amount of debt tokens being minted
indexuint256The next variable debt liquidity index of the reserve

Return Values:

booltrue if the the previous balance of the user is 0, false otherwise
uint256The scaled total debt of the reserve


function burn(
address from,
uint256 amount,
uint256 index
) external override onlyPool returns (uint256)

Burns the user variable debt token. Implements the basic logic to burn a scaled balance token.

Input Parameters:

fromaddressThe address from which the debt will be burned
amountuint256The amount being burned
indexuint256The variable debt index of the reserve

Return Values:

uint256The scaled total debt of the reserve


function setAToken(address ghoAToken) external override onlyPoolAdmin

Sets a reference to the GhoAToken contract. Checks the AToken has not already been set.

This function can only be called by the Pool Admin.

Emits the ATokenSet event.

Input Parameters:

ghoATokenaddressThe address of the GhoAToken contract


function updateDiscountRateStrategy(
address newDiscountRateStrategy
) external override onlyPoolAdmin

Updates the Discount Rate Strategy.

This function can only be called by the Pool Admin.

Emits the DiscountRateStrategyUpdated event.

Input Parameters:

newDiscountRateStrategyaddressThe address of the DiscountRateStrategy contract


function updateDiscountToken(address newDiscountToken) external override onlyPoolAdmin

Updates the Discount Token.

This function can only be called by the Pool Admin.

Emits the DiscountTokenUpdated event.

Input Parameters:

newDiscountTokenaddressThe address of DiscountToken contract


function updateDiscountDistribution(
address sender,
address recipient,
uint256 senderDiscountTokenBalance,
uint256 recipientDiscountTokenBalance,
uint256 amount
) external override onlyDiscountToken

Updates the discount percents of the users when a discount token transfer occurs.

This function is automatically called when stkAAVE tokens are transferred into the user’s address.

This function can only be called by the discount token.

Emits the Transfer and Mint events.

Input Parameters:

senderaddressThe address of the sender
recipientaddressThe address of the recipient
senderDiscountTokenBalanceuint256The sender discount token balance
recipientDiscountTokenBalanceuint256The recipient discount token balance
amountuint256The amount of discount token being transferred


function decreaseBalanceFromInterest(address user, uint256 amount) external override onlyAToken

Decreases the amount of interest accumulated by the user.

This function can only be called by the AToken.

Input Parameters:

useraddressThe address of the user
amountuint256The value to be decreased


function rebalanceUserDiscountPercent(address user) external override

Rebalances the discount percent of a user.

Emits the Transfer and Mint events.

Input Parameters:

useraddressThe address of the user

View Methods


function balanceOf(address user) public view virtual override returns (uint256)

Returns the amount of tokens owned by the user.

Standard ERC20 method.

Input Parameters:

useraddressThe address of the user

Return Values:

uint256The amount of tokens owned by the user


function totalSupply() public view virtual override returns (uint256)

Returns the amount of tokens in existence.

It does not account for active discounts of the users. The discount is deducted from the user’s debt at repayment / liquidation time, so this function always return a greater or equal value than the actual total supply.

Standard ERC20 method.

Return Values:

uint256The amount of tokens in existence (without accounting for active discounts on debt)


function UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS() external view override returns (address)

Returns the address of the underlying asset of this debtToken, GHO for variableDebtGHO.

Return Values:

addressThe address of the underlying asset


function getAToken() external view override returns (address)

Returns the address of the GhoAToken contract.

Return Values:

addressThe address of the GhoAToken contract


function getDiscountRateStrategy() external view override returns (address)

Returns the address of the Discount Rate Strategy.

Return Values:

addressThe address of the DiscountRateStrategy contract


function getDiscountToken() external view override returns (address)

Returns the address of the Discount Token.

Return Values:

addressThe address of Discount Token


function getDiscountPercent(address user) external view override returns (uint256)

Returns the discount percent that will be applied to the accumulated borrow interest of the user.

Input Parameters:

useraddressThe address of the user

Return Values:

uint256The discount percent (expressed in bps)


function getBalanceFromInterest(address user) external view override returns (uint256)

Returns the amount of interest accumulated by the user.

Input Parameters:

useraddressThe address of the user

Return Values:

uint256The amount of interest accumulated by the user


The following methods automatically revert with the error code 80. The methods show OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED as they are not permitted to be executed.

Being non-transferrable, the debt token does not implement any of the standard ERC20 functions for transfer and allowance.


function transfer(address, uint256) external virtual override returns (bool)
Not supported by design.


function allowance(address, address) external view virtual override returns (uint256)
Not supported by design.


function approve(address, uint256) external virtual override returns (bool)
Not supported by design.


function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) external virtual override returns (bool)
Not supported by design.


function increaseAllowance(address, uint256) external virtual override returns (bool)
Not supported by design.


function decreaseAllowance(address, uint256) external virtual override returns (bool)
Not supported by design.